Government-funded basis

Application deadlines

Application deadlines for the Olympiads 2024/25 — from 21 November 2024 to 19 February 2025.

Lists of Olympiad Winners will be published on the official website of the Admission Office no later than March 14, 2025. The list of correspondences between the subjects of the Olympiads and educational programmes of the corresponding level will be published on the official website of the Admission Office no later than February 5, 2025.

Winners of the Olympiad in a specific subject should send a letter confirming their interest in studying at St Petersburg University or a letter of refusal to study at St Petersburg University to the email address by March 21, 2025.

How to submit your documents for participation

  1. Register for a Personal Account  through the SPbU Admissions Committee website
  2. Fill in, print and sign your application for participation in the Olympiad to one or several (no more than three) Olympiad subjects
  3. Submit your signed application and the supporting documents electronically through your Personal Account

The list of required documents

  • an application for admission to an educational programme of the appropriate level in the format established by the Admissions Committee (filled in upon registration for the Personal Account) a participant can apply for no more than 3 (three) subjects
  • Consent of the Candidate to Personal Data Processing, Transmission and Storage
  • an application form for admission within the quota (filled in block letters and provided with a colour photo)

Application deadlines for academic year 2024/25 — from November 21, 2024, to February 19, 2025

Lists of Olympiad Winners will be published on the official website of the Admission Office to March 14, 2025.

1The filled in questionnaire signed by the applicant must be scanned and uploaded through the applicant's Personal Account. Only St Petersburg University must be specified in Clause 26 thereof. Do not fill in Clauses 31 and 32.

2In accordance with articles,, of the Regulations for Olympiads of corresponding level, applicants may submit a statement from an educational organisation implementing educational programmes of the required level, where the applicant is studying at the moment of their submission of the application for competition. Upon receipt, a copy of the final educational credential and supplements thereto must be uploaded via the applicant’s Personal Account.

  • a copy of your identity document. Please note that the applicant’s passport should be valid for at least 18 months after the beginning of the planned study period.
  • a medical certificate confirming the absence of medical contraindications against studying in the Russian Federation as well as the absence of all types of hepatitis and tuberculosis
  • a medical certificate on the absence of the HIV virus and AIDS
  • certificates confirming the undertaking of medical examinations (with participation in Olympiads in the subjects of General Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Nursing)
  • educational credential and supplements prepared according to the rules
  • photo 3×4 cm
  • documents for Olympic exams

Lists of Olympiad subjects and exam guidelines


SPbU Admissions Office for International Applicants:

Address: 13b Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya, St Petersburg, 199034, Russia

Telephone: +007 (812) 363-66-33


Working hours:  Monday – Friday, from 10 AM to 6 PM