On the website of the SPbU Admissions Committee, there have been published the results of a Competitive Selection of Foreign Citizens, Stateless Persons and Compatriots Residing Abroad Applying for Study at St Petersburg University on the Government-Funded Places within the Framework of the Quota Established by Decree No 2150 of the Government of the Russian Federation Dated 18 December 2020.
The lists of applicants who are recommended for enrolment at St Petersburg University on bachelor’s, specialist’s and master’s degree programmes and aspirantura programmes for training research and teaching staff for academic year 2024/25 are available here.
Before 22 March 2024, the applicants who have successfully passed the competitive selection should send an email to admission@spbu.ru with either a consent to study at St Petersburg University or a refusal.
Detailed description of the enrolment procedure for the recommended for admission is set out in a step-by-step instruction.
Enrolment at St Petersburg University is carried out in accordance with references to study issued by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. For further information on the regulations for a competitive selection and other details, please visit the Admissions Committee website.
Applications for admission to bachelor’s, specialist’s and master’s degree programmes and aspirantura programmes for training research and teaching staff on contractual places will be accepted from 15 April 2024 to 21 June 2024.