Informational meetings with international applicants of St Petersburg University

When: 16 January — 22 May 2023

You will learn more about:

  • the University, its facilities and opportunities for international students

  • SPbU main educational programmes

  • requirements and admissions process for international applicants

  • SPbU Prepartory Course and other opportunities to learn the Russian language

Moreover, you will be able to communicate directly with Admissions Office representatives and ask questions during the event.

Informational Meetings in English

02 February 2023, 16:00 (MSK) Create your Personal Account. Join the meeting

16 February 2023, 16:00 (MSK) Admissions test: What is a portfolio? Join the meeting

27 April 2023, 16:00 (MSK) Admission to SPbU on contract basis – 2023. Join the meeting

18 May 2023, 16:00 (MSK) What to do if you’d like to study in Russia and don’t know the language? (Presentation of Preparatory Course). Join the meeting

Informational Meeting in Spanish

16 January 2023, 16:00 (MSK) Admission for international applicants. Join the meeting

Informational Meeting in Turkish

23 January 2023, 16:30 (MSK) Admission for international applicants. Join the meeting

Informational Meeting in Arabic

30 January 2023, 16:00 (MSK) Admission for international applicants. Join the meeting

Informational Meeting in Portuguese

24 April 2023, 17:00 (MSK) Admission for international applicants. Join the meeting

Informational Meeting in Italian

15 May 2023, 16:00 (MSK) Admission for international applicants. Join the meeting

Informational Meeting in Chinese

22 May 2023, 16:00 (MSK) Admission for international applicants. Join the meeting

Informational Meetings in Russian

19 January 2023, 16:00 (MSK) Create your Personal Account. Join the meeting

09 February 2023, 16:00 (MSK) Admissions test: What is a portfolio? Join the meeting

20 April 2023, 16:00 (MSK) Admission to SPbU on contract basis – 2023. Join the meeting

11 May 2023, 16:00 (MSK) TORFL: What is it? How to prepare for it and pass it? Join the meeting